Scott and Suz Charbroil – 3338 Route 9G North, Germantown

2020 has turned everything upside down.
Events cancelled left and right – including the Columbia and Dutchess county fairs – some of the largest events in the counties.
Luckily, on the county boarder, by Clermont, you can find a lone fair food stand – Scott & Suz Charbroil. You can’t miss it.
This blog has tried to bring you as much fair food as we can find! There’s the Pepperoni Heel (a sandwich that deserves to be capitalized) only on Wednesday nights at 225 Warren, the lobster rolls at Red Barn, Moondogs, and Buttercup, and the grilled kielbasa at the Polish Delicatessen.
Even though the fairs are cancelled, you can still find fair food around!
They are open Monday-Friday, 11am-3pm.