Kinderhook – Columbia County, New York
You probably don’t know this, but there’s a not-so-secret sect of Long Islanders who live in Columbia County, NY. We find each other with our “cawfee tawlk” vowels. As soon as we hear another former Long Islander, there’s an immediate bond. We exchange stories about living upstate. Long Island is in the same state, but it might as well be a different world.
The first thing we tawlk about? Bagels. Where do you get your bagels?
The question comes up quickly.
The second question, do they boil them?
You can get a good bagel that is not boiled, but if you’re going to eat carbs, then do it right. Boiled bagels are better – boiled then baked. It’s a given. The earth is round. Boiled bagels are better. Done.
Where to get a good boiled bagel in Columbia County? Broad Street Bagel Company. I recently told another Long Islander, lost upstate, about Broad Street Bagels, and she looked at me as if I told her the location of the Holy Grail.
“Really? Boiled?”
“What? Like I’m going to lie to you? About something so important? Yes! Boiled. In Kinderhook, go figure.”
Broad Street Bagels and Cosmic Donuts are just a block apart; the two places make Kinderhook a carboholic’s mecca.
If you want a good, boiled, bagel, go to Broad Street Bagel Company in Kinderhook. They have a variety of bagels, and every cream cheese you could want.
They don’t putz around.
The next question Long Islanders ask each other – where do you get your PIZZA? That’s another blog post…
When I can’t have my bagels from Absolute Bagels at Bway/west 107th Street, i head right over to Broad Street Bagels! Don’t forget Cosmic Donuts when you are in Kinderhook.