Ryder Cooley sings!
Club Helsinki Virtual Open Mic
Tuesdays at 7pm
Watch the video above with Ryder Cooley singing!
(It was a little windy…sorry)
Cameron Melville, Ryder Cooley and Hazel continue Helsinki’s Open Mic nights – Tuesdays at 7pm. Click here for more information.

Thyme and Co – 437 Warren Street
*Thurs/Fri Pick Up 11:30am-2:30pm
*Send orders to Carrie@thymeco.com by 9pm night BEFORE Pick Up
*We will send a timeslot and invoice for confirmation
*We will be adding additional options in the coming weeks- check our instagram or website for updates and current weekly specials!
Cabin Fever? Take a (socially-distant) hike or walk in/around Hudson while listening to a walking audio tour. Click here for trail maps and links.
New Community Forum Topics!
Need a Face Mask? Have a face mask to sell? Post it as a new Topic the new Face Mask Community Forum Category!
Are you at the end of the internet? Don’t know what to watch on Netflix/Hulu/Amazon? New Community Forum Category, What to Watch lets you tell your neighbors about your latest binge! Post a new Topic in the Category!
Trixie’s List Community Forum is like Reddit. You post a TOPIC in a Category and users can vote on it. More votes, it goes to the top.

Hudson Farmers’ Market – Saturdays – 9am-1pm
Farmers’ Market open at 9am! New/Old location(s).
TrixiesList.com Biz Listings – Search and find out who is open during this time of COVID.
Please support local businesses and keep your dollars in town!
Thank you very much for your kind comments!