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Columbia County’s next District Attorney will be decided by voters on Tuesday, November 7th, 2023. The position is held by Paul Czajka, who is not seeking reelection. The county District Attorney handles cases from traffic violations to homicide.
Chris Liberati-Conant currently serves as New York State’s Assistant Attorney General in Albany. When asked why he is running, Chris responded, “I will have the ability to make positive change. A public officer has a responsibility to welcome public input and criticism, and that is something I am willing to do.”
Liberati-Conant criticized the District Attorney’s Office’s performance under his opponent. As an example, he raised the dismissal of felony charges in the Harold Handy case because the office failed to support those charges with evidence. “These types of failures are all too common,” said Liberati-Conant.
I believe in public service. A public officer has a responsibility to welcome public input and criticism, and that is something I am willing to do.
– Chris Liberati-Conant
Chris Liberati-Conant would like to create bureaus in the DA’s office that would focus on:
- Sex Crimes
- Conviction Integrity – to review potential false convictions; especially when new DNA evidence is found.
- Organized Crime and Drug Trafficking
Chris would also review the current court system and help set up alternative courts to review mental health and Veterans concerns, “Having jails and prisons filled with people with mental health issues is not fair to the individuals nor the correctional staff”.
Chris Liberati-Conant will end political hiring in his position, and will hire the best candidate regardless of their political affiliation.
On the issue of Bail Reform, Chris believes that the intention of bail reform, to help those without bail money so they are not in a worse position prior to trial, was correct, however he agrees with the state’s current revision of the law. The law was revised so that judges no longer have to choose the least restrictive alternative; and judges can choose bail in appropriate cases. Chris Liberati-Conant believes that New York State should have a “dangerousness analysis” of cases, similar to other states.
Chris Liberati-Conant received his undergraduate degree from Rutgers University in New Jersey and his law degree, magna cum laude, from St. John’s University in Queens. He and his wife moved to the Village of Chatham twelve years ago where they currently live with their son Calvin and dog, Rosie. Chris serves as Second Lieutenant on the Village of Chatham volunteer fire department.
More information on Chris Liberati-Conant’s campaign, including upcoming events, can be found on his website,
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