Sept. 23-29, 2023

Aries (March 21–April 19) Archetype: The Warrior
You are known as the Warrior, Aries, but with the Sun moving into your opposite sign of Libra, it’s best to lead with vulnerability. In the herbal tarot, the Ace of Wands–your fire sign totem–is ruled by Achillea Millefolium (commonly known as Yarrow). Legend has it that this potent herb was named for Achilles of Greek mythology who used Yarrow to stop the bleeding in his soldiers’ wounds. Be that kind of a leader this week.
Metaphysical Meditation: How much are you willing to put someone else first?
Taurus (April 20–May 20) Archetype: The Builder
Futuristic Uranus is retrograde in Taurus, whispering in your ear to help the world. In the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, Uranus is associated with Keter, the crown sephirot, thought to be the most enlightened sphere. Whatever you are longing for on the earthly plane you can get a preliminary taste of in meditation or the dream state. And if your wish involves another, your best bet is to hang your hat on the mantle of purity. You can go wild next week.
Metaphysical Meditation: If you didn’t worry so much about security what would you allow yourself to do?
Gemini (May 21–June 20) The Communicator
Your ruler Mercury is finally moving direct all week, but still in its shadow phase. Use your gift of gab with the touch of realness you’ve been holding back. The people need a messenger! Plus, Mercury makes a path on the Kabbalistic Tree of Life, from binah (understanding) to Tiferet (beauty), indicating that your closies really appreciate it when you “get” them. Your posse is also about to expand in ways you can’t even imagine.
Metaphysical Meditation: Who gets on your nerves the most, and how are they a mirror to you?
Cancer (June 21–July 22) The Caretaker
Cancerian songstress Lana Del Rey is backing her amateur musician Dad’s yacht rock career. What kind of reverse nepotism are you inclined to engineer with Mars transiting your public sector? Follow your maternal intuition, forget the haters, and put your serious clout behind someone you believe in. The sephirah (sphere) of Gevurah on the Tree of Life is connected to Mars, making this a good week to show courage on behalf of another, but exercise restraint too.
Metaphysical Meditation: What makes you panic after you take an emotional risk?
Leo (July 23–August 22) The Leader
Barbenheimer summer may be over, but with sparkly planetary activity in your third house of communication, you may happen upon your own version of two great tastes that go great together. You have a sixth sense about unexpected collaborations now. Your sign rules the Seven of Wands, and in the herbal tarot this is associated with wild ginger. Perhaps this root will help with your circulation, and perhaps circulating with someone new will bring back the warmth in your nature.
Metaphysical Meditation: What has been making you defensive lately and why?
Virgo (August 23–September 22) The Gardener
Fellow Virgo Jorge Luis Borges lost his sight in later years, but what Kabbalists call “Ayin,” or an ability to see beyond the physical served him well. Open your third eye and rely more on intuition and true vision than you usually do this week as Venus transits your tapped-in twelfth house. Make everything you create, and all aspects of your life a work of art as you channel deeper messages from the universe. You can return to your focus on grouting the bathtub soon enough, but for now think big.
Metaphysical Meditation: When you close your eyes what is the image you keep seeing?
Libra (September 23–October 22) The Artist
Happy Birthday, Libra! The Fall Equinox on September 23rd ushers in Libra season and the time for you to command the dance floor. Libra is associated with the Kabbalistic month of Tishrei, which is all about connecting to your true self from the inside out. If you are being judgey with yourself try loving the real you, and see how much prettier you feel on the outside. And if you still need a little push, then yes, get thee to the shoppe or clothing swap stat, so you can shine with glitter a.s.a.p.
Metaphysical Meditation: What colors and textures make you feel most alive in your body?
Scorpio (October 23–November 21) The Shaman
Scorpio, you do love to strategize and concoct, but sometimes it’s best to leave the conniving to others. (Yes, I said it!) That’s why this week, while Mercury shimmies direct in your house of friends and community, you should brainstorm, think aloud and work with the pack. Your talent for talk induces excitement and love in ways you can’t predict. So instead of trying to control the action, be a team player. Scorpio archetypically mirrors the Ash Tree, which connects the physical to the spiritual realm. Look to nature for clues to your own hidden nature.
Metaphysical Meditation: What do you see when you look at yourself with a “don’t-know” mind?
Sagittarius (November 22–December 21) The Traveler
Sagittarius is the archetype of the Traveler, and with Venus transiting said house in your chart, consider booking your next adventure. In the I-Ching, your sign closely aligns with Hexagram 56, “Travelling.” The ancient oracle instructs you to finish unfinished business and then move on. You’ve been surprisingly cautious lately. All the more reason to bust loose and overdo your wanderlust. And speaking of lust…the first few days of the workweek may include a little heat thanks to the moon playing in your third house. Ramble on!
Metaphysical Meditation: How quickly can you make a decision and move on?
Capricorn (December 22–January 19) The Organizer
This week as the fall equinox transits your career sector, sit back and watch as your stock rises. The key to your success this season lies in taking yourself more seriously. No more humblebrags; really own your leadership skills before some imposter tries to best you. Ironically, your goal is to make the world a better place. But you may just have to boss a few people around to make that worthy dream come true. The moon transits your sign this weekend, and reflects Hexagram 24, “Returning,” in the I-Ching. For you this time is a turning point.
Metaphysical Meditation: If you could turn in any new direction, where would you head towards?
Aquarius (January 20–February 18) The Visionary
The Sun moves into fellow air sign Libra this week, and finally you can breathe again! As serious as you are about activism and altruism, you do both best when everyone is in a lighter state of mind. Radical humor is your best friend this week; use it or lose it. If you find yourself face to face with a buzzkill who doesn’t believe in your idealistic plans, then feel free to sashay away with a quick comeback. Early this week the moon transits your sign and mirrors Hexagram 51 in the I-Ching, “Shock.” It’s time to wake up!
Metaphysical Meditation: What does your soul need to re-emerge from slumber?
Pisces (February 19-March 20) The Dreamer
Mercury moving forward in your house of relationships suggests you may be ready to ask out someone new in your life. And if you are spoken for, it might be time to cut loose and seduce like you did in your honeymoon days. Pisces Drew Barrymore put her foot in mouth while Mercury was retrograde, but the coast is clear now. Rectify any recent verbal mishaps with an extra dose of aw-shucks Piscean cuteness. The Yew Tree most closely connects to your sign. In Celtic culture it symbolizes rebirth. Seek this out in your relationships and breathe easy again.
Metaphysical Meditation: What will it take to let go of the guilt you carry, and make room for joy?
O.G. Astrologer Jill Dearman is the author of Queer Astrology for Men and Queer Astrology for Women, the crime novels Jazzed, The Uncanny Case of Gilles/Jeannette (set in Hudson), and many other books. She analyzed the city of Hudson’s chart for Chronogram. Jill is also a PT Prof. of Writing at NYU. If you are interested in learning more about your chart, visit
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