by Romeo Barkley and Trixie Starr
Run, don’t waddle walk to the Mac-Haydn Theatre to see the newest production of Urinetown. The play centers on a truly bizarre dystopian plot of a post drought world where citizens have to pay to pee. Written over twenty years ago, it is uncomfortably apropos given America’s current water rights crisis out west and our power imbalances between the 1% and rest of us.
Playwright, Mark Hollmann, got the idea after having to purchase a token to pee while in Europe one summer. He didn’t realize that dystopian is a reality for EuroPEEans.
The show employs a series of theater troupes, such as breaking the fourth wall, as well as inspiration from other great shows such as Les Mis and The Threepenny Opera. In 2002, Urinetown: The Musical won Tony awards for Best Book of a Musical and Best Original Score.
Featuring some supremely talented performers: such as George Dvorsky’s Mr Cladwell. He can really shimmy and bunny hop. Dvorsky brings an alluring sexuality to the villain! Talk about Hot to Trot! Mrs. Pennywise (Janet Dickinson) also displayed musical range with seduction to the role, especially when she spoke about the ‘stink years’.
You might recognize Hudson business owner, Mikel Hunter, in the cast!
The dance and musical numbers were – as always at the Mac-Haydn – fun and well-choreographed. You would not think that such as dystopian play would have great music.
The company was funny, talented and supremely entertaining. We couldn’t recommend enough to get your tickets- but get them fast. The matinee crowd sells out (they don’t like to drive at night) but don’t PEE afraid to drive after dark and get your tickets now!

2 thoughts on “URINETOWN: You’ll Be Pissed if You Miss it!”