“Jewel the Wound”, the Hudson art exhibit that supports social justice, has been extended for another month. Exhibit pieces can be seen on display until December 6th at the Hudson Milliner Art Salon at 415 Warren Street. All works of art can be purchased directly on-line via the website, HudsonArtFair.com.
The exhibit features all local artists, with a portion of the proceeds benefitting local non-profits such as Operation Unite, Perfect Ten, and the Friends of Hudson Youth.
Gallery hours: Thursday – Sunday Noon – 6pm
415 Warren Street
Local Artist David McIntyre, pictured above, will be at the gallery Thursdays and Fridays.
Stop in, masked and socially-distant, and say hi!
For more information, on artists and individual pieces, and to make a purchase, please visit, HudsonArtFair.com.