In a season filled with fantastic shows (forgive the pun), the Mac-Haydn Theatre closes out with an enchanting and heartwarming production of “The Fantasticks.” Originally penned by Tom Jones and Harvey Schmidt, “The Fantasticks” holds the distinction of being the world’s longest-running musical, and it’s easy to see why. In fact, when the MacHaydn was…
Author: Lodro Rinzler
Review of “RENT” at the Mac-Haydn Theatre
In a Mac-Haydn season filled with great shows, Rent is the best one yet. In fact, it’s the best show I’ve seen in years. So much so that I recommend seeing it twice. Partly, because every song is a banger and partly, because the cast and crew have created an expansive, rollicking good time that simultaneously inspires…
Never Empty: Hudson’s New Tasting Room
neverstill wines Opens Tasting Roomat 739 Warren Street in Hudson, New York The Mohican people, also known as the People of the Waters That Are Never Still, referred to the Hudson River as “Mahicanituck” or “Mahicanuck,” which translates to “the river that flows two ways” or “waters that are never still,” reflecting the tidal nature…