HUDSON, NY— Beginning on March 6, 2023, the offices of City Hall will be relocated to Hudson’s Central Fire Station at 77 N. 7th Street. This relocation is due to planned construction occurring at 520 Warren Street to improve accessibility to the city’s core municipal services and public meeting space. During this construction period, projected to conclude in July 2023, 520 Warren Street and the immediately adjacent area of sidewalk and street parking will be closed to the public.
This relocation impacts the offices of the Mayor, the City Clerk, the City Treasurer, the City Assessor, and the Departments of Public Works, Water & Sewer, and Housing Justice, as well as the meetings of the Common Council and a majority of the city’s public boards and committees. The relocation process for City Hall offices to the Central Fire Station will take place primarily over the course of March 2 – 3, and during this time City Hall will be closed except by appointment. Starting March 6, the public will have access to all departments by visiting the Central Fire Station during standard business hours (8:30 am – 5:00 pm) or contacting specific departments by email.
Response times to requests may be delayed during the first few weeks of this relocation due to changes and updates to technological infrastructure at the Central Fire Station, including the City Hall phone system, and limited access to files that must continue to be stored at 520 Warren Street during construction.
Due to renovation activity occurring at the entrance to 520 Warren Street, some exterior amenities will also be relocated.
- Overnight deposits of fee payments or other documents for City Hall offices may be deposited in a receptacle located at the City of Hudson Police Department at 701A Union St. This amenity is for document drop-off only; any in-person questions, requests, or assistance with City Hall business must be made at the Central Fire Station at 77 N. 7th Street during business hours of the renovation period.
- The vending machine for trash bags is relocated to the exterior of the Central Fire Station, 77 N. 7th Street.

Public meetings previously held at 520 Warren Street are to be held at 77 N. 7th Street until further notice. This includes the meetings of the following boards and committees:
- Common Council and its ad hoc committees (Legal, Parking, Truck Route, Public Safety, etc.)
- Conservation Advisory Council
- Hudson Community Development & Planning Agency (HCDPA)
- Planning Board
- Historic Preservation Commission
- Zoning Board of Appeals
- Housing Trust Fund Board
Meetings indicated as “hybrid” on the City’s calendar will continue to be accessible via Zoom and YouTube Live. View the online calendar for more details.
Per requirements set by a settlement agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice, the City of Hudson engaged with Thaler Reilly Wilson Architecture & Preservation to develop a set of options to bring City Hall to compliance with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) through a feasibility study completed in 2019 and later revised in 2020. The City decided to proceed with option #3, which includes:
- Renovation of the east entrance to accommodate an ADA-accessible lift to the first floor and reconfigure the stairs leading to the second floor
- Construction of an accessible parking space in front of City Hall
- Construction of an accessible restroom on the first floor
- Installation of an accessible service counter on the first floor
- Asbestos abatement, replacement of flooring, and improvements to other interior furnishings
After further refinements to plans and construction documents, the project was released for bid in November 2022, and a contract was awarded to VMJR Companies, Inc. in January 2023.