Twice a month, on the full and new moons, stop by The Maker and have your tarot read by Jon Daniels.
“I feel that my readings are not what people expect, or sometimes confirm people’s intuitions,” says Jon.
Jon moved to Hudson in May 2021, and feels that the City of Hudson allows people to “shatter their own glass ceiling and learn more about themselves.”
When not drinking coffee at Rev, and spending time with his cat, Luna, Jon enjoys shopping at places such as Second Show. “Second Show is the most magical place in Hudson. If you’re in there, and think of something that you need, one day it will appear.”
Jon believes you can do anything in Hudson, “just go for your dreams.”
You can find Jon at The Maker or follow his instagram account, @ReadingswithJon.
The next tarot reading is Wednesday, December 21st at 5pm.
