Have you looked through the Hudson Senior Center’s new website? If not, check it out here!
You’ll find plenty of programs, such as the recent meeting with Hudson Police Chief Moore , talking about scams that target local residents.
Chief Moore explained common scams, such as contractors who do not complete the work and ask for more money, lottery scams that ask people to pay before they receive their “winnings”, electronic scams that steal passwords, and prescription drug scams that sell ineffective drugs.

Common scams found in Hudson recently include:
Computer Virus Scam – A person’s computer is infected with a virus and they are asked to purchase a gift card or send a check to remove the virus.
Government Agency Scam – A “government agency” will call and ask for a donation towards a recent national emergency (such as a wildfire) or a donation for the Police Benevolent Association. It’s important to remember that government agencies will NOT ask for your personal financial information over the phone.
Grandparent Scam – Scammers do personal research of a grandparent and find out the names of their adult grandchildren. Someone will call in distress and identify as the grandchild. Then, a “lawyer” talks to the grandparent and asks for immediate money to help the “grandchild” in a car accident or other emergency situation.
Stimulus Check Scam – This scam is common now with the recent stimulus checks. The “stimulus check” received is actually a LOAN, that once cashed, will accrue a high interest rate, such as 28%. Additionally, the “stimulus checks” are larger than the standard stimulus amounts and once cashed, a “government official” will call, say a mistake was made, and ask that the recipient “pay back” the overage.

If you are in a situation where you feel you might be part of a scam, feel free to call the Hudson City Police Department, and they will help you. The City of Hudson Police Department’s phone number is 518-828-3388