O.G. Astrologer Jill Dearman is the author of Queer Astrology for Men and Queer Astrology for Women, the crime novels Jazzed, The Uncanny Case of Gilles/Jeannette (set in Hudson), and many other books.
She analyzed the city of Hudson’s chart for Chronogram. Jill is also a PT Prof. of Writing at NYU. If you are interested in a chart or tarot reading, visit www.jilldearman.com.
Hello Dear Readers and welcome back to Meta-Astrology, now focusing on the zodiac sign seasons.

The Sun enters AQUARIUS on January 19 where it will transit through February 18.
For astrology consultations and tarot card readings (HOLIDAY SALE) please visit: JillDearman.com
This Aquarius season is stacking up to look like no other. The epic alignment of the Sun with Pluto is bound to usher in technological advancements that raise the bar even higher than what we’ve recently witnessed with AI. Time feels like its speeding up and yet all we have is the now moment in which to create with our imaginations and meditate to keep our calm. Aquarius’s ruler, eccentric and change-loving Uranus goes direct in fellow air sign Gemini on February 4th, so there’s bound to be a lot of chatting about sudden ideas and inspiration. What will you choose to say yes to?
QUANTUM JUMPS: I include a meditative exercise for each sign called “Jill’s Quantum Jump.” Here’s what to do: find a quiet place, close your eyes, and use this hypnotic suggestion to imagine yourself embodying a parallel version of yourself for a few minutes or more. Take pleasure in the feelings that arise. Make notes on what arises. –JD
Hudson Area Events:
Hudson Winter Scavenger Hunt
That Time of Year Reading at Spotty Dog
Hudson Hall Exhibition
Return Brewing Valentine’s Mixer
Aquarius the Visionary (January 20 to February 18):
Happy Birthday, Aquarius! January 29 sees a new moon match up with Mercury, planet of communication, and Pluto, planet of power, all in your sign. If you had one message to deliver to your peeps and on a grander scale to the world, what would it be? It’s going to be hard to keep out of the spotlight in the weeks ahead, so figure out your mission statement and live it every day. In matters of intimacy you may feel a little disconnected as it’s hard to shut off your brilliant mind. Get thee to a sauna to sweat, or hike in nature to remind yourself that you have a body too!
Jill’s Quantum Jump: If you could reinvent yourself right now, how would you want to be seen? See yourself that way!
Pisces the Dreamer (February 19 to March 20):
Venus transits your sign through Feb 3rd, which could make you feel very lucky in love. Come the 4th, you may need to remind yourself that money (also) makes the world go round, and organize that part of your life. This season, before your birthday arrives, is all about cleaning out the old and making room for the new. If you knew what you want was arriving soon, how would you want your house to look? Your body? Your mind? The key to making a graceful transition is forgiveness. Start with yourself.
Jill’s Quantum Jump: If you let go of old guilt how would you feel in your heart?
Aries the Warrior (March 21 to April 19):
Venus enters your sign on February 4th making you even feistier than usual. If your instinct says chase, go for it, and forget all those “I don’t chase, I attract” memes. When you pursue your desires you tend to win and win big! The Full Moon in your house of creativity on February 12th gives you a jump on competitors. Your ideas are more future-forward than the rest of the pack. Your challenge is to stay focused on write down your key points to develop. Don’t wonder how to be a leader, just take the lead.
Jill’s Quantum Jump: What gives you the most energy and confidence? Tune in to that feeling several times a day.
Taurus the Builder (April 20 to May 20):
This Aquarius season puts your career into high gear, so don’t waste time overthinking. Instead, give yourself a pep talk, get organized and aim to move up the ladder and into the spotlight. When Uranus, the planet of change and surprise finally goes direct in your sign on January 30th, you may get a second bite at the apple, if said apple is an opportunity to do work you really love. And speaking of love, the full moon on February 12th could make your home fires burn extra hot. Love the one you’re with.
Jill’s Quantum Jump: What made you optimistic about your place in the world in recent months? Tap back into that sensation and turn it up to 11.
Gemini the Messenger (May 21 to June 21):
Life is lightening up for you, Gemini as more air sign energy blows your way! Uranus direct in your house of travel and adventure on January 30th opens up an adventurous door in your life. If you could visit any land, where would you go? Brush up with Duo Lingo on language there, because spring could see you on the go. Venus moves into your house of friends and community on February 4th you could experience a surprise flirtathon with one of your pals. The old rules no longer apply, so keep your mind and your arms open.
Jill’s Quantum Jump: Connect to your laughter especially when you feel resentful.
Cancer the Guardian (June 22 to July 22):
Committed partnerships are highlighted for you during Aquarius season. If you trust someone implicitly, sign on officially with them. But if you have a bad feeling in your gut, don’t ignore it. The signs will be easy to read now, as your intuition is super-charged. When it comes to romance, you may be in an all or nothing or nothing at all moment. Put your faith in the universe. It has your back. The full moon on February 12th falls in your house of money, honey so make plans for how to use the green.
Jill’s Quantum Jump: If you could collab with anyone, whom would you choose?
Leo the Leader (July 23 to August 22):
This is a passionate time for you, Leo! On January 21st your ruler the Sun meets powerful Pluto in your house of love, boosting your focus and your charisma to new heights. Soon after on January 29th, Mercury the Messenger cozies up to Pluto, all during a new moon in your house of love. This really is a time to let go of the past that no longer serves you, and open your heart to new kinds of relationships that fill your soul. Focus on what you desire in your life now, not what you wanted before.
Jill’s Quantum Jump: Be the dream partner you wish for.
Virgo the Gardener (August 23 to September 22):
The new moon on January 29th in your house of endings and new beginnings encourages you to wipe the slate clean of regrets and start anew. Your house of creativity and love affairs is triggered now and if ever there was a time to allow yourself to be a little irresponsible and see how irresistible it makes you, that would be now! When Uranus, planet of sudden change goes direct on January 30th you may feel a sudden burst of energy and inspiration. It’s time to kickstart projects you’ve been dreaming about.
Jill’s Quantum Jump: Get excited about being your true self!
Libra the Artist (September 23 to October 22):
It’s a feisty time for you, Libra! Just when you thought you were out of flirts, there are potential loves buzzing all around you, practically forcing you to turn on the charm. This new moon on January 29th connects with communicative Mercury in your house of creativity and love affairs, so focus on what brings you joy, not what makes you say “oy!” On February 4th your ruler, romantic Venus, moves into your house of love so you are on in a great place to make love not war!
Jill’s Quantum Jump: Tune in to the feeling of your desire desiring you.
Scorpio the Shaman (October 23 to November 21):
Domestic matters take centerstage as do big career leaps. First, a large grouping of planets including Pluto, your ruler, are lighting up your home and family sector, making you really lucky in all things cozy! Intimacy abounds, and come February 12th, the full moon lights up the top of your chart, making your name more well-known. You may not seek to be an influencer, but you will have influence over the people who look up to you, and there are many!
Jill’s Quantum Jump: Tune in to all the ways you have deep respect for yourself.
Sagittarius the Traveler (November 22 to December 22):
Your ruler, lucky Jupiter, finally goes out of retrograde in your house of love on February 4th. How divine. For contrarian you this may mean more freedom and less commitment. Open up your heart to yourself then see what follows. It’s time to be revel in self-forgiveness. On the work front, a load of planets in your communication sector suggests that Aquarius season equals networking-a-go-go, so get used to saying “yes” to invitations. The full moon on February 12th encourages you to be spontaneous and get out of town while you can!
Jill’s Quantum Jump: Imagine spending time with someone who could open up a whole new world to you.
Capricorn the Merchant (December 23 to January 19):
Money matters go exceedingly well for you during the weeks ahead. Consider what you value in 2025. A lot has changed in the world, and it’s time for you to shift your focus too. Venus moves into your house of home and family on February 4th which may mean that you draw people to you who feel familiar. It’s a great time to spruce up your abode too, and let it reflect not just your good taste but your soul, Capricorn!
Jill’s Quantum Jump: Make sure what you say matches up with how you feel.
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