Why County Court Matters to You & Why I am Running for Judge

A County Court is established in each county outside New York City. It is authorized to hear civil cases involving amounts up to $25,000 and the prosecution of all crimes committed within the county, particularly cases involving felonies which are more serious crimes.
In Columbia County, County Court Judges also preside over Family Court, involving matters important to families including custody and visitation, paternity, abuse and neglect, juvenile drug court and adoption. In addition, Columbia County Court Judges preside over Surrogate’s Court involving the affairs of decedents, such as the probate of wills and the administration of estates and trust proceedings.
County Court Judges can have a significant, immediate and long-lasting impact on the lives of county residents involving some of the most difficult and important issues that cause people to end up before a judge.
Who sits in the Judge’s seat matters.
I have experience on all sides of the bench; as judge, prosecutor and defense counsel and have handled thousands of cases including jury and bench trials and on one occasion a double jury trial. I have been a judge for 16 years, as Town of Ghent Judge, Hudson City Court Judge, Village of Chatham Judge, and Acting City Court Judge in Troy and Rensselaer.
Currently I serve as a 1st Alternate Conflict Defender in Columbia County and spent 7 years as an Assistant District Attorney for Columbia County and Rensselaer County. I have also served for five years as a Hearing Examiner for the NYS Department of Education.
Columbia County Court is experiencing a serious back log of cases. As Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “justice too long delayed is justice denied.” If elected, I will hit the ground running on January 1, 2024, with the skill and experience necessary to move cases while still insisting upon and ensuring that parties coming before my court will have a level playing field and a fair day in court. Please scroll down to see the list of those who have endorsed me. I am honored to have their vote of confidence and humbly ask for yours.
Two Early Voting Locations:
Columbia County Office Building
401 State Street
Hudson, NY 12534
Martin H. Glynn Municipal Building
3211 Church Street
Valatie, NY 12184
Dates and times for 2023 June Primary Early Voting:
Tuesday, June 20: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Wednesday, June 21: Noon – 8:00 pm
Thursday, June 22: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Friday, June 23: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Saturday, June 24: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Sunday, June 25: 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Who can vote early in the 2023 June Primary? All registered Democrats in Columbia County. Eligible Primary voters in Columbia County can vote early at either location.