Virtual History Talk: Reconsidering Slavery in New Netherlands
There has been a glaring gap in today’s important and critical discussion of American slavery and its legacy: an accurate understanding of the lives of the enslaved and their enslavers in the Northern colonies and how their experiences contributed to the institution of American slavery. Many Americans are surprised to learn of the existence of Northern slavery and New Yorkers may be stunned to learn that slavery was deeply entwined in their colonial and state history.
Dennis J. Maika, Senior Historian at the New Netherland Institute, will present Reconsidering Slavery in 17th century New Netherland – What do We Know? What Can We Learn?, virtually on Thursday, April 28, at 6pm, hosted by the Hudson Area Library History Room and the Jacob Leisler Institute for the Study of Early New York History. This program is free and open to the public, please register to receive the Zoom link, here.