Superhero Obstacle Course
Join us on August 17, 2024, from 10:30 am – 12:00 pm for a FREE IN-PERSON event: Superhero Obstacle Course!
Not all superheroes wear capes… your local firefighters are everyday heroes! Did you know that these heroes train every week to be ready for an emergency? Now you can train just like our firefighters when you complete the Superhero Obstacle Course! Go through a series of tunnels with obstacles for you to climb through, under the guidance of real firefighters. Rumor has it that this course is so amazing, that one of your favorite DC superheroes will be there to cheer you on and pose for pictures with you too!
All activities are FREE and will be indoors. FREE admission to the Museum will also be offered to all who attend this special event. RESERVATIONS ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR THIS EVENT.
We extend our thanks for the support of this event to: Stewart’s Shops