Hungarian Pianist Featured at Salon Concert in Hudson
PHOTO CAPTION: Acclaimed pianist Gabor Csalog will be performing works composed in his native Hungary as well as those by Liszt, Bartok and Schumann on Friday, Feb. 23rd. The event is being held in a private home in Hudson as an intimate afternoon fund raiser. For more information, go to www.HudsonFestivalOrchestra.org
HUDSON – The winter months often prompt individuals to stay indoors. Venturing out for nighttime events may seem like too much effort. But the Hudson Festival Orchestra has the perfect answer – an afternoon ‘salon’ concert.
On Friday, February 23rd, Hungarian pianist Gabor Csalog will be playing in a private home as part of fund raising efforts for the HFO. With a fire burning, comfy chairs and refreshments, the afternoon should take the edge off any winter chill in the air. Attendees will also have the opportunity to meet the performer.
Csalog has established himself as a sterling performer of chamber music in Europe and the United States. Among his several recordings is the complete catalogue of Chopin’s Mazurkas. He is also considered an expert in interpretations of the music of two Hungarian composers, Gyorgy Kurtag and Gyorgi Ligeti. In the 1990s, Ligeti’s etudes were considered too difficult to perform, but Csalog’s CD gained the approval of the composer as well as critics. His work with Kurtag (a close colleague for many years) has brought him consultancies at the Budapest Music Center and Bard College in both the US and Berlin.
In addition to Ligeti’s Etude No.10, the program includes Liszt’s Mephisto Waltz No.4, Dance Suite (1923) composed by Bela Bartok, and finally, Robert Schumann’s Dances of the League of David, Opus 6. Csalog says, “I [try] to showcase the various layers of both old and new musical styles within the span of a single concert.”
The concert is Friday, February 23rd from 3PM until 4:45PM. As the venue is a private home, seating is limited. The suggested donation is $80 per person. For those unable to attend, live-streaming will be available for $40.00. To reserve space, go to www.HudsonFestivalOrchestra.org.
Introducing Gabor Csalog, a Hungarian pianist trained at the Franz Liszt Academy of Music in Budapest (beginning at the age of 11) with postgraduate studies at Indiana University. He later became an assistant to the great Gyorgy Sebok.
The concert, held at a private home in Hudson, will provide an intimate setting in comfortable chairs with refreshments and the opportunity to meet the performer.
Program includes: Franz Liszt: Mephisto Waltz No. 4, Gyorgy Ligeti: Etude No. 10, Bela Bartok: Dance Suite (1923) and Robert Schumann: Dances of the League of David, Opus 6
This is a fund raiser for the Hudson Festival Orchestra. Space is limited. Suggested donation of $80 per seat. For those who are unable to join us at the house, live-streaming will be available for $40.00.
Friday, February 23rd
3:00PM – 4:45PM
47 East Allen Street
Hudson, NY 12534