3rd Annual Hudson Mad Hatters’ Parade
Hudson’s homegrown community-built wearable-art parade returns!
Drawing inspiration from global Carnival masquerades and Hudson’s evolving history as a city of makers, the Mad Hatters’ Parade brings together diverse communities in a shared spectacle of the nonsensical. The Parade invites YOU to come out and show off your mad hats and mythic headpieces, your burlesque ball-gowns and bricolage gargoyles, your DIY instruments and divergent inventions! Anyone can join!
The Parade steps off from the Hudson Area Library at 2 PM and wends its way to a final Grand Sashay at Basilica Hudson.
Need some help creating your millinery masterpiece? Join us for a Mad Hat Slam on April 30 & May 1. Free materials and crafty mentors will be on hand to get you started! Masks required – at Hudson Youth Center (11AM-5PM).
Learn more at ….www.madhattersparade.org