2econd Saturday Hudson Gallery Crawl
Spring is here and what better way to celebrate than spending the evening in Hudson visiting your favorite galleries, shops and restaurants which are staying open late for the 2econd Saturday Hudson Gallery Crawl!
On Saturday, May 14th, 2022 from 5-8pm come join the art openings, pop-up events, street performances and much more. Hudson is the place to go for Arts & Culture, offering the unique experience of Art for the new buyer and the serious collector, with any budget, for any taste, all within a walkable one mile radius. The Hudson Gallery Crawl offers the visitors more than they can do in one day. On the Second Saturday of the month, in addition to the galleries staying open late, many clothing, jewelry, and lifestyle stores, as well as antique dealers, restaurants, bars, and venues will also adjust their hours and stay open until 8pm.
Follow @hudsongallerycrawl on instagram or check out www.hudsongallerycrawl.com to find out What’s Happening on 2econd Saturday. #hudsongallerycrawl
Support for the 2econd Saturday Hudson Gallery Crawl comes from the founders, Susan Eley (Susan Eley Fine Art), Ellen D’Arcy Simpson (D’Arcy Simpson Artworks), and Jeremy Bullis (Window on Hudson), and Columbia County Tourism, the Galvan Foundation, Hudson Business Coalition, Hudson City Digital, Hudson Tourism Board, The Maker Hotel, Peggy Polenberg Real Estate, Visit Hudson NY, The Wick Hotel as well as private donations.