Banned Books Book Club
The Claverack Free Library and The Hudson Literacy Fund, a non-profit whose mission is to get books into the hands of Hudson kids, today announced a co-sponsored Banned Books Book Club for 16-20 year-old readers living in the Claverack and Hudson communities .
The Club will focus on the American Library Association’s (ALA) 2022 List of the “Most Challenged Books.” The ALA defines challenged and banned books as books that have been attempted to be removed or restricted from libraries and classrooms based upon the objections of a person or group. The list’s thirteen books are challenged for various reasons including LGBTQ+ content and themes dealing with equality, diversity and inclusion. Among the thirteen most challenged titles are Toni Morrison’s The Bluest Eye, Flamer by Mike Curato, and Out of Darkness by Ashley Hope Perez. Meetings will be held in person at the Claverack Free Library, 9 Route 9H, Claverack at 5:30 – 7:00pm on June 26, August 7 and August 14 . The Hudson Literacy Fund is donating the books that the club will read, along with light refreshments.
On June 26, Club readers will select their inaugural book from the list. They’ll discuss the book on August 7. The Club will host Ami Polonsky, the author of WORLD MADE OF GLASS and GRACEFULLY GRAYSON on August 14. Ms. Polonsky will attend via Zoom to discuss her experience as an author whose works are frequently challenged.
For reservations or for more information contact The Claverack Free Library by email:
info@claveracklibrary.org or phone: 518-851-7120.
The Claverack Free Library offers a variety of programs for individuals and families of all ages and backgrounds. Part of their mission is to provide free access to a wide range of materials for information, enjoyment and life-long learning while serving as a welcoming place for cultural and intellectual interest.
The Hudson Literacy Fund, celebrating its tenth anniversary, works to bolster Hudson students belief in their ability to read, write, and fully express themselves. The fund has donated over 10,000 books to Hudson students, given annual scholarships to college bound seniors and supplied portable desks and earbuds to kids learning at home during the Pandemic.